Script browsers remotely

Good for ad-hoc debugging and automated testing
Of web applications
Also shown to remedy other ailments

Brought to you by Tomasz Janczuk / @tjanczuk
(Use space or arrow keys to navigate)

with you can

Run JavaScript remotely on multiple browsers...

...from a console or programmatically is

a websocket relay in the cloud

supports multiple sessions
a session connects many browsers with one controller
controller sends javascript to browsers
browsers execute it and send back results to controller is a chatroom where people speak

javascript and json

You can use

as a free cloud service at

Provided to you pro publico bono by
yours truly

or host it yourself

by way of
open source

Let's get started

Add a script to your web site

        <script src="{{id}}"></script>
        <h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>

Note the {{id}} in the script URL
It is your session identifier
It does not need to be pre-registered, but it should be unique
So use enough entropy - think of it as a password

Now open your web site in a browser and...

...Connect a controller

Use a generic, console-based Node.js WebSocket client

1. Install Node.js (one-time)
2. Install ws Node.js module (one-time)

npm install ws -g
3. Connect wscat to the session

wscat -c ws://{{id}}


Hello, world!

Remotely manipulate the DOM

> document.body.innerHTML="Hello, world!"
< Hello, world!

Observe the changes in the browser window

Remotely load a script into the page

Let's load and use jQuery

> .ld('//')
< Loaded //

> $('body').html()
< Hello, world!

...or use a shorthand for loading JQuery:

> .ldjq
< Loaded //

Type .h to see other built-in functions besides .ld

Remotely load CSS into the page

Let's load jQuery UI CSS

> .ld('//')
< Loaded //

Remotely modify CSS

Experiment with or fine tune CSS on actual device/browser

> $('p').css('color', 'red').css('font-size','2em')
< [object Object]

Remotely launch a YouTube video

Start a JSConf.US 2014 video on connected browsers

> $('body').html('<iframe src="//"></iframe>')
< [object Object]

List connected browsers

Each browser connected to the session has an identifier

> .ls
< 0: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
< 2: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.76.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.4 Safari/537.76.4

Other built-in helper functions

Type .h to get help

> .h
< Available commands:
.s           - show session status
.ls          - list connected browsers
.ld(url)     - load JavaScript at `url` into connected browsers
               e.g. .ld('')
.ldjq        - load default jQuery
.ldjqm       - load default jQuery Mobile
.ldjqui      - load default jQuery UI
.lddojo      - load default Dojo
.ldext       - load default Ext Core
.ldjq(ver)   - load specific version of jQuery, e.g. .ldjq('1.4.3')
.ldjqm(ver)  - load specific version of jQuery Mobile, e.g. .ldjqm('1.4.0')

... and more

JSON support

Receive JSON from browsers for programmatic control with ?json query parameter:

wscat -c ws://{{id}}?json
   responses will now be JSON encoded:

< .s
< {"type":"status","browsers":1}

> $('body p').length
< {"type":"msg","msg":"2","from":0}

JSON protocol details on GitHub

Try it now

Brought to you by Tomasz Janczuk / @tjanczuk

Fork me on GitHub
Follow @tjanczuk